How to help your pre-schooler use the toilet on their own

Every child develops at different rates, which is important to remember when it comes to moving away from nappies and starting potty/toilet training.

It’s recommended to try to work with your child to be potty trained by the time they start pre-school to help with their independence and confidence, however, not every child will manage this, but don’t worry or put pressure on them.

No-one knows your child like you do so try to take your child’s lead, when they start to show an interest in getting on the potty here are a few top tips to get you from nappies to independent toileting.

  • Look for signs they’re ready such as them telling you their nappy is wet

  • Go shopping to buy new knickers/pants together

  • Use easy access clothing to make sure they can get on the potty/toilet quickly

  • Help them form a routine, every couple of hours say it’s time for the toilet and always ensure they go before a journey and before a nap/bedtime

  • Don’t sit waiting for too long, 2-3 minutes should be enough, you could read a story while they wait

  • Try not to use nappies or pull ups ‘just in case’ as this can confuse your child

  • Be patient, don’t put pressure on your child or get cross if they have accidents

  • There are lots of potty training story books and free activities online you could use to help encourage your child and show them this is a normal stage in their development

  • Try using a reward system to motivate your child such as stickers for each time they use the toilet, stay dry all day or night

  • Don’t be surprised if it takes much longer for your child to be dry at night, this is very common