From Monday 24 to Friday 28 June 2024, the public health nurses (used to be called school nurses) will be visiting secondary schools across Derbyshire to celebrate ‘Embracing Change’.

You will be able to talk to your public health nurse about the changes your mind and body might be going through, appreciating your wonderful body, and managing the challenging bits of growing up especially around puberty.

EmbraciRSE Day sticker (002).jpgng change means being open to and accepting of change in all aspects of life. It means adopting a positive attitude and mindset towards change rather than resisting or fearing it. Embracing change means being willing to learn and grow from new experiences and challenges. It involves letting go of the familiar and stepping out of your comfort zone to explore new possibilities.

Embracing change around puberty might seem overwhelming.  There are lots of hormonal changes that happen when puberty begins so don't worry if you feel a little different during this time.

If you’re aged 11-19 years old, and want some advice on puberty or you have any other questions about your mind and body, you can text a Public health nurse on 07507 330025. This is a confidential text messaging service for young people, providing advice and support. Available Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm, except bank holidays.

These are some useful website links to celebrate RSE Day 2024. These free resources are for primary schools, parents, carers, and young people:

RSE Day - RSE Day

Brook – RSE Resources

Lil-Lets Making RSE Simple

RSE Day Assembly (Embracing Change) 

PHSE Association – Growing and Changing

Childline – Puberty

More information around growing up and puberty can be found on our Teen Health puberty page.

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