Graphic of a mum and daughter hugging. They look happy. The words say: We're here when they change their minds. It’s important you support mum/a new parent with their feeding choices.

It's important you support mum with their feeding choices and be positive about their decisions.

With hindslight, we’ve all stuck to something longer than we wanted to because changing our mind would have made us feel embarrassed or like we had failed at something. As partners, family and friends, it’s important you don’t add to mums/parents feeling of failure or shame if they decide to change the way they’re feeding their baby.

They need to make the right decision for them and their baby, and your job is to be supportive and to provide reassurance so they feel confident in their decision.

Even if you're not the one making the decision, you can still be informed on what the choices are. To find out more about breastfeeding and formula feeding, visit our infant feeding page.

It's a good idea to know where to get support from so that you can help mum get the help they might need.

Call the Derbyshire Family Health Service on 01246 515100. Our information and support line for parents, carers and young people is available Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm, except bank holidays.

Text Chat Health on 07507 327769. This is a confidential text messaging service for parents/ carers of 0 - 5 year olds, providing advice and support from one of our healthcare professionals from Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm, except bank holidays.