Graphic of a woman looking stressed. She is holding her hands to her head. A baby crawls around happily behind her. The words say: We're here when they have bad days. It’s ok for parents not to be perfect. They need to know you’ll be there for them when they’re struggling.

Becoming a parent is an amazing experience, but when a new parent is spending all day with a baby, they can sometimes feel isolated and lonely. And that’s where you come in. By being there for them, you can make a big difference by reassuring them, making them laugh and helping them get things off their chest.

  • Make sure they still has a social life by planning baby-friendly days out
  • Find public places where they are happy to breastfeed
  • Keep them up to date with the latest gossip
  • Never discourage them from breastfeeding
  • Reassure them that they look amazing
  • Offer a sympathetic ear if things get them down
  • Organise a get together with all their friends
  • Encourage their partner to take the baby out to give them some quiet time or take the baby out yourself.

To find out more about breastfeeding and formula feeding, visit our infant feeding page.

Our baby brain video series talks about the things you can do to bond with baby. You don't have to be a baby's birth mum to have a special bond with them.

For more advice and information on mental health and being a parent see our parent and carer mental health page.

It's a good idea to know where to get support from so that you can help mum get the help they might need.

Call the Derbyshire Family Health Service on 01246 515100. Our information and support line for parents, carers and young people is available Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm, except bank holidays.

Text Chat Health on 07507 327769. This is a confidential text messaging service for parents/ carers of 0 - 5 year olds, providing advice and support from one of our healthcare professionals from Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm, except bank holidays.